Source code for rsync_watch

#! /usr/bin/env python

import os
import re
import shlex
import socket
import typing
from argparse import Namespace

from command_watcher import CONFIG_READER_SPEC, CommandWatcherError, Watch
from conf2levels import ConfigReader

from .check import ChecksCollection
from .cli import ArgumentsDefault, __version__, get_argparser  # noqa: F401

watch: Watch

[docs] class StatsNotFoundError(CommandWatcherError): """Raised when some stats regex couldn’t be found in stdout."""
[docs] def convert_number_to_int(formatted_number: str) -> int: """Convert a integer containing commas or dots to a integer without commas or dots. :param comma_integer: a integer containing commas or dots :return: A integer without commas or dots """ formatted_number = formatted_number.replace(",", "") formatted_number = formatted_number.replace(".", "") return int(formatted_number)
[docs] def convert_number_to_float(formatted_number: str) -> float: return float(formatted_number.replace(",", "."))
[docs] def parse_stats(stdout: str) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Union[int, float]]: """Parse the standard output of the rsync process. :param stdout: The standard output of the rsync process :return: A dictionary containing all the stats numbers. """ result: typing.Dict[str, typing.Union[int, float]] = {} def search(regex: str, exception_msg: str) -> int: match =, stdout) if match: return convert_number_to_int( else: raise StatsNotFoundError(exception_msg) result["num_files"] = search( r"\nNumber of files: ([\d,\.]*)", "Number of files: X,XXX (reg: X,XXX, dir: X,XXX)", ) result["num_created_files"] = search( r"\nNumber of created files: ([\d,\.]*)", "Number of created files: X,XXX (reg: X,XXX, dir: X,XXX)", ) # num_deleted_files # This line is sometimes missing on rsync --version 3.1.2 # raise no error match ="\nNumber of deleted files: ([\d,\.]*)", stdout) if match: result["num_deleted_files"] = convert_number_to_int( else: result["num_deleted_files"] = 0 result["num_files_transferred"] = search( r"\nNumber of regular files transferred: ([\d,\.]*)\n", "Number of regular files transferred: X,XXX", ) result["total_size"] = search( r"\nTotal file size: ([\d,\.]*) bytes\n", "Total file size: X,XXX bytes", ) result["transferred_size"] = search( r"\nTotal transferred file size: ([\d,\.]*) bytes\n", "Total transferred file size: X,XXX bytes", ) result["literal_data"] = search( r"\nLiteral data: ([\d,\.]*) bytes\n", "Literal data: X,XXX bytes", ) result["matched_data"] = search( r"\nMatched data: ([\d,\.]*) bytes\n", "Matched data: X,XXX bytes", ) result["list_size"] = search( r"\nFile list size: ([\d,\.]*)\n", "File list size: X,XXX" ) # list_generation_time match ="\nFile list generation time: ([\d,\.]*) seconds\n", stdout) if match: result["list_generation_time"] = convert_number_to_float( else: raise StatsNotFoundError("File list generation time: X.XXX seconds") # list_transfer_time match ="\nFile list transfer time: ([\d,\.]*) seconds\n", stdout) if match: result["list_transfer_time"] = convert_number_to_float( else: raise StatsNotFoundError("File list transfer time: X.XXX seconds") result["bytes_sent"] = search( r"\nTotal bytes sent: ([\d,\.]*)\n", "Total bytes sent: X,XXX", ) result["bytes_received"] = search( r"\nTotal bytes received: ([\d,\.]*)\n", "Total bytes received: X,XXX", ) return result
[docs] def format_service_name(host_name: str, src: str, dest: str) -> str: """Format a service name to use as a Nagios or Icinga service name. :param host_name: The hostname of the machine the rsync job running on. :param src: A source string rsync understands :param dest: A destination string rsync understands :return: The service name """ result: str = "rsync_{}_{}_{}".format(host_name, src, dest) result = re.sub(r"[/@:\.~]", "-", result) result = re.sub(r"-*_-*", "_", result) result = re.sub(r"-{2,}", "-", result) result = re.sub(r"_{2,}", "_", result) result = re.sub(r"-$", "", result) result = re.sub(r"^-", "", result) return result
[docs] def build_rsync_command(args: ArgumentsDefault) -> typing.List[str]: rsync_command: typing.List[str] = ["rsync", "-av", "--delete", "--stats"] if args.dest_user_group: # # zsh:1: no matches found: --usermap=*:smb escape_star: str = "" if ":" in args.dest: escape_star = "\\" rsync_command += [ "--usermap={}*:{}".format(escape_star, args.dest_user_group), "--groupmap={}*:{}".format(escape_star, args.dest_user_group), ] if args.exclude: for exclude in args.exclude: rsync_command.append("--exclude={}".format(exclude)) if args.rsync_args: rsync_command += shlex.split(args.rsync_args) rsync_command += [args.src, args.dest] return rsync_command
[docs] def main() -> None: """Main function. Gets called by `entry_points` `console_scripts`.""" # To generate the argparser we use a not fully configured ConfigReader. # We need `args` for the configs. # We get the service name from the args. # A typical chicken-egg-situation. config_reader: ConfigReader = ConfigReader(spec=CONFIG_READER_SPEC) parser = get_argparser() config_reader.spec_to_argparse(parser) args = typing.cast(ArgumentsDefault, parser.parse_args()) del config_reader host_name: str if not args.host_name: host_name = socket.gethostname() else: host_name = args.host_name service = format_service_name(host_name, args.src, args.dest) ini_file = os.path.join("/", "etc", "command-watcher.ini") if os.path.exists(ini_file): config_reader = ConfigReader( spec=CONFIG_READER_SPEC, argparse=typing.cast(Namespace, args), ini=ini_file, ) else: config_reader = ConfigReader( spec=CONFIG_READER_SPEC, argparse=(typing.cast(Namespace, args), {}), ) global watch watch = Watch(service_name=service, config_reader=config_reader)"Service name: {}".format(service)) raise_exception: bool = False if args.action_check_failed == "exception": raise_exception = True checks: ChecksCollection = ChecksCollection(watch, raise_exception=raise_exception) if args.check_file: checks.check_file(args.check_file) if args.check_ping: checks.check_ping(args.check_ping) if args.check_ssh_login: checks.check_ssh_login(args.check_ssh_login) if not checks.have_passed():, custom_message=checks.messages) else: rsync_command: typing.List[str] = build_rsync_command(args)"Source: {}".format(args.src))"Destination: {}".format(args.dest)) # git:// # errcode.h # define RERR_VANISHED 24 /* file(s) vanished on sender side */ # Vanished files occure if you for example open thunderbird and # synchronizes your maildir folder., ignore_exceptions=[24]) stats: typing.Dict[str, int | float] = parse_stats(watch.stdout), performance_data=stats) watch.log.debug(stats)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()